
Client Review on Designitic

Website Design

Hired For: Pay Per Click Management in 2021

What was the best part of the experience?

The smooth communication and prompt responses to all queries were the best part about Designitic. In addition, their suggestions with logical reasoning help us better understand the social space and industry.

What would you change about the experience?

I think they can speed up the project process a bit. This can become better.


With our newly designed online writing services website, we are very pleased. We love the site's professional look and ease of use. Jeremy, has been a great support throughout the project. We were impressed by the clarity and responsiveness of the process. Later, we hired them for social media marketing and PPC services. It was an amazing experience. Our brand was able to establish an online presence. I enjoy working with Designitic, they are well-versed in a whole range of services.

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